Thursday, August 26, 2010

Let's Drop A Love Bomb!

Hey guys, got a few minutes to improve the life of one person today?  I bet you do.  Let's do this together.

Every week Drop A Love Bomb sends out a mission and our job is to leave a comment on a person's blog who really needs it.  No need to leave a comment here - send your love over to that person.  Here is this week's mission:

Love Bomb Mission: Rachel, 17. Loss of dad, eating disorders and depression.
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Note: We are now partnering with bloggers for missions! This week's partners:, , LoveChelseaLauren, ProneToWander, TheBeesKnees, Collection-Of-Things,PostWithTheMost, InspiredMess, TrueConfessionsOfASingleMother, MrsMuffins, TallAsGrass, DoGoodMore,BelleChantelle, DevilishDelish, BuckOwensGuitar, ABCCreativity, BriannaPoster,, and LaurenNicoleLove.
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Hey Love Bomb family!
We are dropping today's Love Bomb on a 17 year old girl named Rachel.
She lost her dad and ever since has dealt with eating disorders, and is struggling through life without him. Her mom avoids serious conversations with her and she is afraid to get help. She's in counseling, which is wonderful - but we all know how irreplaceable personal words of encouragement are.
In one of her recent posts, she bullet-pointed a list of things she had to show for nearly being 18:
- I drink too much
- I have social anxiety
- I'm failing school
- I'm ugly
- I'm fat
- I can't even get the courage to meet my own sister
- I lack the energy to even fake happiness
- I have recurring thoughts of self-harm
- I keep relapsing into "disordered eating behaviours"
In her last post, the one we'll be commenting on, she ends with,
"What I need is some inspiration. I need someone I admire to tell me every thing's going to be alright. That they believe in me. That I'm not the fat failure I think I am. - unfortunately I can't see that happening any time before it's too late, if it's not already too late."
Alright guys. You know what to do. We ARE Rachel's inspiration, encouragement, love, and support. It's time to tell her how beautiful and valuable she is. I want to blow her away.
To comment on her blog, go here:
Time to drop a Love Bomb, friends!
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