Friday, October 7, 2011

October Again!

So it is October again here in Salem which means Halloween Every Day! It is by far the funnest thing about living in Salem. For about 2 weeks. Then it gets old. Really fast.

But for now I am excited! Last night was the Grand Parade. (Pics coming soon) We had great seats down on Front Street, which, apparently, is not a popular spot. All the better for us. And now you. Now that you know.

Ryder wore his super cute costume:

He got so much candy because he was cute. Especially from the college girls.

Tonight is Trick or Treating at the shops downtown. More candy. I still have candy from last year, of which I need to throw out before our excursion tonight. Good month to decide to eat healthy.

Anyways, the effing ferris wheel is due to go up in just under two weeks. I am not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to fried dough, root beer floats, costumes!, trick or treating, and the Bizarre Bazaar.


  1. I think I need a root beer float right now. And the Bizarre Bazaar was really cool. Salem in October is pretty nice.

  2. Adorbs. Absolutely.

  3. He is soooo cute! I've seen that costume before but I can't quite remember where.

    I figured a 's

  4. I should never comment from my phone....

    I was saying that i figured a 'space ship' post was coming soon... aka the effing ferris wheel :).


Whatcha think?