Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Two Kinds of People

There are two kinds of people in this world: those who think there are two kinds of people and those who don't.

Yes or No?

Maybe is an unacceptable answer recently with Ryder. He wants a yes or a no. Everything is black and white.

You are either a Good Boy or a Bad Boy.

It is interesting the way children develop. This must be some sort of milestone or marker or something.

You are either a Girl or a Boy or a Boy who is about to turn into a Girl. I don't understand that last bit.

You are either a Baby or a Big Boy or a Boy who is about to turn into a Baby. I don't understand that last bit either.

Yes or No?


  1. This is where I go the nerd route: "There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary and those who don't."

  2. Kids are weird and silly.

    I think some things can be black or white and then for many things, there are various shades of grey..

    PS: Your profile no longer has your current age.


Whatcha think?