Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Fine Day

I went snowboarding last week. It was a weekday, so there weren't a ton of people.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

The day was beautiful. The snow was wonderful.

I might have fallen a few times.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Massachusetts has never looked so beautiful to me.

Look how wide those trails are. So much snow ready to be carved.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

See that lake? That is where the water comes from when they make the snow. Fun fact.

I did not go with those people. They have no idea that I have a picture of them.

Or that it is now on the internet.

I went by myself which was actually really nice. I could go at my own pace. I could go on whatever slopes I wanted to go on. I met a few people and left when I felt like it.

Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

I can't wait to go again.


  1. I love this post...feels like I am there :)

  2. I've never snowboarded before. Or skied for that matter. It looks great. It's great to do things on your own sometimes!


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