Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Love You Every Day

Happy Mother's Day!

With that said, I hate fucking made-up holidays.  I hate the pressure society puts on you to celebrate your mother on the second Sunday in May.  What if you are planning a bridal shower, vacation, and wedding in the next month and don't necessarily have the money today?

I think the Jehovah's Witnesses have it right.  They do not celebrate holidays.  They celebrate every day.  That is how it should be.  If I didn't have these standards imposed on me by Hallmark, I would give gifts and cards when I wanted to.  It wouldn't be as weird to take Mom out for dinner and cake in August.

Ryder came home from school Thursday with a gift he made me.  I put it aside to open it today, but then I was thinking, why am I waiting?  Who cares the date I am given the gift?  It was wonderful even though i opened it Friday.  Actually, I think it is the nicest gift I have ever received.

It's not just Mother's Day or Valentine's Day or Bunker Hill Day.  It is everything.  Christmas.  A lot of people celebrate Christmas on a day other than the 25th and that is always strange.  Why?  Jesus wasn't even born in December. 

I guess what upsets me the most is that I expect today to be something special because it is Mother's Day.  I don't know what exactly it reminds me of, but it reminds me how sad I am.  I realize that just because Hallmark says it is supposed to be this sacred day, it isn't.  It is just another day.  The dog still needs to be walked, dinner still needs to be made, the shopping still needs to be done.


  1. Yeah, I have these feelings about Christmas to be honest. I feel like society guilts me into buying presents. It kind of pisses me off.

  2. this holiday alwaus breaks my heart, cause my mum is gone:( celebrate everyday, that is the perfect way to live;)

  3. I so agree with you, and posted a similar rant about Valentine's day! Let's love everyone every day!

  4. I agree.

    I posted something similar about New Year's resolutions.

    Things should be important when you decide to do them. If you want to be thankful in July, go ahead, if you want to have a mom's brunch day in March, who cares, but we may want to stick to trick or treat in October otherwise my kid will want to do it every day. :)


Whatcha think?