Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Last Night

I am so sad tonight.  I am so sad to have to leave Colorado tomorrow morning.  It is the first time I've cried all week.

I love it here.  Now I remember why I felt so homesick for Denver.  It is awesome here.  It is beautiful.   There is so much to see and do.  There is the city and there is the mountains.  The weather is literally perfect.  All the time.  I love my friends and their families.  I love the diverse food selection.  I love the green chili. 

I am so sad to have to return to my life back East.  I am sad to return to my rut.  To the stresses of my family and work.  To the go-nowhere job.  To my loneliness. 

I need to change something when I get back.  This is not the normal "Oh, man, it sucks that my vacation is ending."  It is more like "Fuck, please don't make me go back."  I've been so relaxed all week and now I am just crazy upset.

Something needs to change when I get back, but what?


  1. Small steps Raine, start by changing one little thing, then try another. Don't try and do it all at once.

  2. I go with JenJen - what are the benefits of staying where you are not happy?

  3. Can you get a job in Denver? A house and all that? I'd say be where you are happiest and if it's possible to make it there money wise, that's where I'd be...


Whatcha think?