Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A More Meaningful Gift Than You Can Imagine

Describe a time or moment when a stranger helped you.

One year ago I was trying to get up from being knocked down and stepped on. I was getting a restraining order, a divorce, and working on a bankruptcy. It was a really rough time. Especially just before and during the holidays. I wasn't sure how I would buy anyone any gifts. I knit hats for everyone, but I really wanted to do something special for my one year old.

A counselor that I was talking to suggested a Santa charity. I was not interested, but she insisted so I wrote them a letter. A couple of weeks later there was a giant box in front of my apartment. I brought it in and almost couldn't open it. When I saw all of the toys I cried. I had pretty much given up on humanity and here was this most wonderful gift.

I am crying just remembering it.

Santa truly came to our house last year. I believe in Santa now. He comes to those who need him the most. He did more than give us a box of toys, he gave me hope.


  1. Sometimes people come through when you really need them to.

    Angels have no philosophy but love. ~Adeline Cullen Ray

  2. Im crying reading your post....isnt it wonderful how at the very moment we lose hope, someone comes along to rebuild our belief in the goodness of human life....

    thanx for sharing this, truly...hearing your story helps to restore my faith as well


  3. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are feeling better this are plans coming along for this Christmas?

  4. That is a great story, I am glad you got the help when you needed it. I wish you the happiest Christmas ever this year.

  5. Thats a great story! I wish I had a story to share...

    Im glad that someone showed you this kind of love for all people, its a great thing. This is exactly why my family does what they do for people in need of more things than us. Im so glad to see how appreciated it is!

    Take care and happy holidays this year!

  6. We always donate items to the groups that sponsor these gifts through my son's school. I always wonder if anyone really gets the stuff or if it just sits in a box somewhere. It's nice to hear that they actually do make it into the hands of an appreciative family. I'm happy you were able to benefit from such strangers in your time of need and it gives me hope that should my family one day find themselves in an unfortunate situation there will be strangers with big hearts willing to help.

  7. That's great. I'm glad you have renewed faith in others. There are some wonderful people and organizations out there. Great writing!

  8. Raine! This story is so beautiful! I am very thankful you could experience such a special time. I have missed you! Hope you and your sweet baby are well!

  9. I also received a box of "Christmas Joy" from my son's school one year when the two of us were having a rough go of it...I felt hopeful and cared for knew that one day, I'd be able to return the favor.

  10. Amazing... It's inspiring to read stories like this, about people helping each other.

  11. By the way, because of the ad for Arbor Mist on your page, I had to go buy a bottle of the Raspberry Sparkle. It was good. ;)

  12. What a nice organization that really came through for you when you needed it. So glad your little girl had a nice Christmas after all. Hope this year is better for you.

    Visiting from Writer's Workshop.

  13. That is terrific. Almost made me cry.

  14. Do not tell anyone this, but Ive donated $ to the local toys for tots the past three years.

  15. That's wonderful! It's so awesome that there are people in the world willing to do things like that :)

  16. Ok you totally made my nose sting and eyes water. How wonderful some people can be

  17. That's so great and I'm sure you totally deserved it. When you pay it forward it'll mean even more to you and whoever you give this kind of joy to.

    This made me smile. You're a strong gal and I'm sure you're going to keep on doing great!

  18. I got toys for tots or something like that when I was a kid. I didn't even know we were poor, but I guess we were. Well, at least by American standards... Anyway, it was really exciting for me. I remember that I got a doll I really wanted. Also, last year somebody paid for my whole cart full of groceries at Walmart. I cried. Someday I'm going to pay it forward. Someday when I am standing tall on my feet I'm going to bless somebody like those strangers blessed me!

    Now that I'm an adult I realize how hard it must have been for my parents to always tell us kids that we didn't have money and we couldn't afford the things we asked for. Parents love to give their children what they desire, but I learned so much from going without. The lessons I learned in the tough times will be with me forever, and that's the greatest gift my parents could have ever given me. Always remember that when it hurts your heart to tell Ryder "no." Someday you'll both understand! :D HUGZ


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