Friday, June 11, 2010

The Kite Runner

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a great book, but I don't need to tell you that.  It is fairly common knowledge at this point.  If you haven't read it or seen the movie, you ought to.  From here on out I am going to assume you have read it and discuss the ending freely.

I love Amir's character.  He feels more real than other protagonists.  I feel like other characters do something they regret and when the opportunity to atone presents itself, whether in a week or a decade, they jump on it.  Amir, on the other hand, does not.  He rights a wrong, not because he wants to, necessarily, but because it is the right thing to do.  I think he was a coward all the way up until he finds Sohrab in the bathtub.  Even as he was healing, he was caring for this boy because he didn't have any other real choice.  It wasn't until Sohrab tried to kill himself did he truly want forgiveness.  Only then did he feel it in his heart.

I think religion really illustrates this point.  Amir was not a praying man until he is in the hospital with Sohrab.  His father, too, was not religious, and he never forgave himself for not being a father to Hassan.  Baba never turned to God for forgiveness because he could never forgive himself.  I like how religion is a very mild undertone to the book.

Can you imagine flying a kite where the string is covered in glass??  I really am skeptical about how fun that is. 

What are your thoughts?


  1. Kite Runner. Oh so depressing! However, I loved it. The underlying themes of redemption and forgiveness rang true for me.
    I also wondered about the glass covered string. Something about cutting your fingers to pieces to fly a kite seemed wrong on so many levels. I liked your thoughts on this.

    Oh and your songs post had some of my favorite artists. Great choices!

  2. I have not read it or seen the movie but it sounds good


Whatcha think?