Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I had never done it before.
I had never wanted to.

But as we spoke
More and more
I decided
I would

The day drew near
And my fear grew
But you are my friend
And I trusted you.

Then you came
And it was wonderful
As if we'd been close
All along.
I knew this wouldn't be the last

Something unexpected
Something I don't do often

But it was grand.

You traversed country borders
State borders
You came and made me smile

And for this I thank you.

For Mel

Mama's Losin' It
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5


  1. That's was really nice! It sounds like you have a very special friend in your life and for that you're lucky!

    Stopped by from MamaKats.

  2. What a wonderful poem for your special friend. :)

  3. Friendship makes the world go round. Beautiful!

    Stopped by from MamaKats

  4. Oh I really liked that Raine. Nicely said sweetie!

  5. Such a sweet poem for your friend!

  6. That's me! Thank you Rainey! You're my BBFF by far. You should prove your friendship and come visit me in February! :)


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