Saturday, November 13, 2010

Intelligent Design: Clearly Lacking Intelligence

First off I want you to know that evolutionary biologists are not Nazis. Also I might point out at the onset that Hitler was Christian.

Okay, some more general information. I watch a lot of documentaries. Good documentaries, like good papers, first explain your position and continue throughout to present evidence supporting your theory.

Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed is poorly done. At no point does it explain what intelligent design (ID) is or any evidence supporting the theory. It rags on Darwinism saying there is no evidence supporting it, which we all know is just plain false.

I worked with this Catholic guy and we were arguing about whether global warming exists or not. He kept asking me for hard proof linking emissions to the rise in global temperatures. I pointed out that for a religious man he sure did need a lot of proof to believe something. He asked if I was implying that there was no evidence of god. I was indeed and he said the proof was the bible. In that case my proof is a docu made by a former vice president.

This movie begins with all of these stories of scientists being fired for mentioning ID. Oh, and stating quite clearly that ID is not creationism, which is bullshit in my opinion, but moving on.

Another fact that I must point out is how scientists get paid. You have a hypothesis and you go around to different foundations presenting your idea and experimental design and hopefully they give you a grant. Many times they ask for progress reports, and you must submit them if you want to continue to get paid. Here is the kicker: you cannot just study anything. You need someone to finance your research so if one day you decide that you want to research ID, expect that you are not going to be funded. And its nothing unusual to be underfunded. I worked on a devastating disease that we are having a hard time getting funding for.

Next the movie goes onto explain how unlikely that the proper molecules were arranged perfectly to form a living cell. I think they missed the point that the universe is fucking huge and surely the process had many years to get it right. This has never been repeated in a lab setting. Duh. We have no idea what the proper conditions were. Darwin believed that the first cell was very very simple, but ID people argue that cells are very complex therefore he was wrong. I don't understand their position at all. Not every cell on earth is complex. Some are quite simple.

Evolutionists suggested that the first cell may have occurred on the back of a crystal because they have high rates of mutations. Or Frances Crick theorized DNA was "seeded", meaning aliens? Stein can't believe that real science would consider a crystal theory or aliens. Yet apparently god is a better explanation?

ID is saying that evolution is very unlikely but they don't address how unlikely their theory is.

"Science is not a democracy" - no kidding. "It's only a theory" - as is gravity. As is relativity. As is most things. They kept saying "Darwinists don't know how everything works." Well we don't know how lots of things work. Our brain for example.

Stein asks the question "what do other countries do?" So like a good fair unbiased person would do, he went to Poland. Yup, Poland. And only Poland. And only spoke to one Polish person.

Finally after subtly hinting at the relationship between Darwinists and Nazis they finally came out and said they are practically one in the same. Here is where I want you to remember that Hitler was christian, not atheist. Eugenics was explained in evolutionary terms. Did you know that planned parenthood was just a big conspiracy to give contraception to the poor and underprivaledged so they don't reproduce. I think they are failing in their mission.

"Will eradicating religion lead to utopia?" Well, I don't know about utopia but I'm sure it would be a better place.
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  1. Wait, since when is Creationism NOT Intelligent Design? They're the same damn thing! And the people who believe in it are batshit crazy! Ok, DINOSAURS. That is all.

  2. Hi Raine,

    I came across your site because I get Google alerts on the key words "intelligent design." Against my better judgment, I will attempt a response to your post. I will try to keep my responses brief:

    1. "It rags on Darwinism saying there is no evidence supporting it, which we all know is just plain false."

    I agree that it would be incorrect to say evolution has NO evidence for it. But it would also be incorrect to say that evolution is a fact or that the existence of God has NO evidence for it. Evidence does not speak for itself and is always interpreted. I happen to know plenty of evidence against Darwinism and plenty for God.

    2. "I pointed out that for a religious man he sure did need a lot of proof to believe something."

    Your statement implies that you feel that faith and reason are somehow opposed. I can assure you that there is plenty of science in faith and plenty of faith in science.

    3. "Oh, and stating quite clearly that ID is not creationism, which is bullshit in my opinion . . ."

    ID is NOT creationism. Though they have similarities and make similar predictions they are very different. ID looks for intelligent causes as opposed to unintelligent (ie. random, natural) causes. It has nothing to do with the Bible, God, a world-wide flood or the age of the earth as does creationism. When you claim they are the same, you commit the same error as someone who says "evolution is just a theory." They misuse the scientific definition of "theory" just as you fail to correctly define intelligent design.

    4. "Not every cell on earth is complex. Some are quite simple."

    This is the fallacy of equivocation. Though some cells are more complex than others, relatively speaking, they are all complex in comparison to what Darwin thought. That in itself does not prove evolution wrong (and ID proponents don't claim it does) but it is evidence against abiogenesis.

    5. "Stein can't believe that real science would consider a crystal theory or aliens. Yet apparently god is a better explanation?"

    Yes, intelligence is a more probable, rational and logical explanation.

    6. "Here is where I want you to remember that Hitler was christian, not atheist."

    Any historian recognizes that Hitler used Christianity to gain support for his cause. He was not following the teaching of Christ. His philosophy was strongly influenced by Darwin's thinking (survival of the fittest). To claim he was a Christian is to be either misinformed or downright disingenuous.

    That said, I wish you and your son Ryder well. I am sorry to hear about the break up of your marriage. Perhaps studying the evidence and coming to the realization of the truth of God's existence will help to relieve your "eternal pessimism." I know it has for me. Take care and God bless,


  3. Thank you, Randy, for your comment. I must admit that I am pretty sure you provided more information on ID than the entire documentary. I wish you well also. :)

  4. I saw Expelled at the invitation of a Creationist friend of mine. Her comments were pretty scathing. I wrote up the review here:

    I also had a post about how Stein used a Darwin quote. ( It was pretty dishonest to cut up and string together sentences in order to change what Darwin was actually saying. But then little bennie stein isn't particularly credible.

  5. The more I read of your blog the better I like you :)...trying to find time to read even more soon


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