Behind this wall
Behind this dark wall
Behind this black wall
Where I can hear see feel only you
then a hole
A small hole
One I can peek out
I can see things
Talk to people
Almost fall in love
But just as quick as it came the hole shuts up
And you, my guard, starts talking yelling
Telling me how worthless I am
How shitty I am
Reminding me of all the bad things that happened
The bad things I allowed
I was responsible
I try to defend myself against you
But you are as strong as I am, but more
I am no match for your hateful words
You throw me back into the black hole
You throw me a lifeline covered in razor wire
You care for me
You do not want me to dehydrate so you send liquor
You need me to need you
You want me to forget
You want me to look out the hole
You want me surprised and scared when the abuse starts
You want me to yourself
You cannot let me out
I am stuck in here with you
With myself.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Happy Thanksgiving Raine, you're in my thoughts.