Monday, August 1, 2011

Dating = Normality?

Dating makes me feel normal for some reason.

I didn't ever really date before I was married. Sure, I hooked up with plenty of guys, but I didn't date them.

At first I was feeling almost like I was weak for wanting to date. Like I don't need anyone else. I'm secure by myself. I've been this long by myself.

But now that I'm trying it out, I feel normal.

Kinda like Seinfeld or Sex in the City or some other third show. Especially now that I think it is okay for me to date someone I don't necessarily want to marry. Then again, how will you know if someone is the marrying kind without dating them. I picture those shows where they have bad dates and that makes me a bit more optimistic (shaky ground here). Makes me feel like if the date goes badly, that is okay too.

This is all new to me, but I am glad I am venturing into new territory. It doesn't mean I'm weak. I just want to have some fun.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I have been behind on my reader and am just seeing this. I am ready to take the dating plunge again. I hate rejection but it is part of life. I am tired of being alone.


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