Thursday, October 1, 2009

Five Reasons Halloween in Salem Rocks

1. The Grand Parade

2. The Bizarre Bazaar

3. Mayor's Night Out

4. Free hot chocolate

5. Costumes!

Angela's Adventures


  1. Wow...those are some pretty cool costumes! Is that Salem, Mass? I wouldn't be surprised that they have quite a event! ;)
    Thanks for commenting on our blog earlier.

  2. I like your photos for High Five Friday. I did photos too! I became a single mom at 27 too. Five and a half years later, I did marry a wonderful man and had two more children. My son and I learned a lot of great things those years of just the two of us.

  3. If only we had more days of the year for parades and dressing up in costumes.

  4. Wow. I need some ideas for an annual party that we go to that annually I can't figure out what to be.

  5. my son loves halloween, last year he was a vampire. what costume will he request this year, I hope a not-hard-to-find or not-hard-to-make costume

  6. Halloween has always been my favorite holiday! Looks like you know who's your Mummy on October 31...

  7. Wow that looks like SOOOO much fun!! Lucky girl!

  8. Insanely jealous of you right now. Salem is awesome.

    Actually...I think I'm gonna make a trip to Salem before Halloween!!!


    I went last year (Super Pregs) and I brought "High Maintenance Girl" for entertainment. She was hot, then cold, then hungry, then tired and didn't wanna do the tourist-y stuff (we WERE tourists!!!) and it sucked because I thought that being Pregzilla was going to cause problems, when it was actually NorthProvidenceHookeritis that ruined my fun.

    But yeah...SALEM!!! EEEE!!!!

  9. Ooooh! We took a trip to Salem one year on Halloween, it was awesome! Thanks for bringing those memories back!

  10. I never knew Salem had so many corrupt politicians who influenced our country. From Timothy Pickering who wrote the Alien & Sedition Acts to Thomas Perkins and his Opium Trade, America is still feeling their impact in the Patriot Act and our war on drugs. Plus these politicians had a series of smuggling tunnels built to move cargo from the sea to an underground railroad station without paying custom duties. Check out the Salem walking tour called the Salem Tunnel Tour. Visit them at .


Whatcha think?