Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Amazing Books and Amazing People

I have read two World War II books recently:  The Zookeeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman and Number the Stars by Lois Lowry (Thanks to Mrs. Lovely!).  Both are wonderful books.  Although both books are about people helping Jews, the books are very different.  One is nonfiction and the latter is fiction.  

The Zookeeper's Wife is set in Warsaw.  The director of the Warsaw Zoo and his family helped hundreds of Jews in which all but one survive the war.  This book is unique as it reads as a novel.  The author writes amazing detail that is usually absent from nonfiction.  For the most part I enjoyed the details, but sometimes it was distracting.

Number the Stars is set in Denmark.  It is written for adolescents in the point of view of a young girl, Annemarie.  Her family helps save some good friends of theirs.  It is a super easy read.  I really like how it reads as if Annemarie actually wrote it.

I have decided that I like WWII books not because of the horrific events but because of the amazing human spirit these people had.  These people risked their lives and the lives of their families to help save people - some of which were complete strangers.  I am also amazed by the people's will to survive.  Whether the person has to lie straight faced to a German soldier or if they must hide in complete silence they are amazing.  Out of this terrible time comes stories of extraordinary strength and compassion.  I like to think I'd be half as brave as any of these people.


  1. I love anything to do with history :)

  2. Number the Stars is AMAZING! I read it awhile ago in a Kid Lit class I was taking, and have reread it several times since!

  3. I am going to get the Zoo Keepers Wife and read it. I love this time period.


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