Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Today's prompt from Mama Kat is:
What lights your fire? Describe five things you are most passionate about.

  1. Family - Not just being a mom, everything about family.  Extended family and friends that feel like family.  All are so important to me.  (Click the link, it is one of my favorite posts)
  2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - I know that there is no 'saving' the environment, but I can help lessen the damage.  I want there to still be beautiful places when my son is old enough to enjoy them, and then when his children are old enough to enjoy them.  I try to incorporate these principals into all areas of my life.
  3. Busting Stereotypes - I am not an idiot.  I know that there is some truth in stereotypes; they came from somewhere.  There are Jewish bankers, flamboyant homosexuals, bad woman drivers, lazy poor people, and some African Americans do like grape soda.  But I want everyone to understand that not everyone is like that.  Not everyone follows the stereotype.  I actually find it a bit annoying when people do.  Like that kid in high school that everyone said was gay, but he adamantly denied it, then turns out that he is.  That makes me a little sad.
  4. Conscientious Consumerism - I do not support large corporations.  Especially the ones that treat their employees poorly.
  5. Health Care - So many people I know and love have been affected by the crappy health care system we have here.  I know how many times I was sick and could not go to the doctors because I could not afford it.  Seeing people I love struggle with disease and medical bills.  It is not right.
So, if anyone knows of any ways that I can make money doing any of these things (without going back to school), I am open to suggestions!  
    Mama's Losin' It


    1. Brilliant list, I agree wholeheartedly;)

    2. This is great and I agree with you. The best part is when you make friends that become family for #1. And we recycle here, paper, cardboard, bottles, cans. It's good for the environment!

    3. Gosh. You seem really cool! I wish I could say that I didn't believe stereotypes, just as a way to save time. But I'm trying to be more efficient in my life, so I sorta just do. Totally kidding. As a member of various groups attached to numerous outlandish stereotypes I find them to be downright hilarious! And, I like to surprise people by not being an example of any of them. It's funny to see the surprised faces of people who note that I don't like grape soda, or any soda at all, I can swim, I can drive (even done it on the autobahn), I'm married, my kids all have the same father, my parents are married and have been for a ridiculous amount of time, I didn't do the electric slide at my wedding, I have a very advanced degree, fried chicken makes me want to hurl, I like dogs that aren't pit-bulls, oh and my husband, he's Mexican, but he's NOT a migrant worker. As a matter of fact he doesn't even speak Spanish and he went to college. Gasps all around! See how fun that was:)!

    4. That list is way too clever and conscientious for me, I feel guilty now about putting travel on my list!! lol

    5. Stoppin by from Mama Kats - number 4, well the only way I am probably supporting that is by not shopping at Walmart, I feel they are everything that is wrong with this country. And you're totally right about stereotypes!

    6. I liked the list and support them too. Keep up the good fight and good luck with the job hunting. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some comment love!


    7. I knew that kid in high school. I got in fights defending his sexuality to the rest of the school, only to have him come out to the world in the most flamboyant way ever. To each their own.

    8. I love this list Raine! So well said. I hope you get the job of your dreams one day soon!

    9. Great list! We've begun being more conscientious about the environment - recycling more, using our own bags for groceries ... it's a start, I guess. And, the whole health-care thing is a mess ... I have lost all faith in our government (on both sides).

    10. nice work today Raine! top shelf as usual sunshine...

    11. Such wisdom for such a young girl! (I'm 4 year older than you, you know! :D) many comments today! You are becoming quite the popular girl! Don't forget me when you are a big famous blogger with 100s of comments! Just teasing you! Any big plans for the weekend?


    Whatcha think?