Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No One Ever Asked Me

Our prompt from our gracious hostess Mama Kat:

Why didn’t they ask you? Write a list of 5 or 10 sentences that begin with the words ‘No one ever asked me’; then, write about one of them in detail, or use them all in a poem, or use several in a personal description of yourself.  (

No one ever asked me to sing in their band.
No one ever asked me to travel to Ireland.

No one ever asked me to fly to the moon.
No one ever asked me to go on a honeymoon.

No one ever asked me to pose nude.
No one ever asked me "Where's my car, dude?"

No one ever asked me to go to senior prom.
No one ever asked me if I wanted to be a single mom.

No one ever asked me "Where's my dad?"
No one ever asked me "Why, as a father, was he bad?"

No one ever asked me why we're not friends.
No one ever asked me why good things end.


  1. That was really nice sweetie...I liked it a lot!

  2. No one ever asked me "Be Raine's friend."

    ...but I am anyway.. :)

  3. Awesome! I wanted to do this prompt, but I was too lazy. LOL You did a great job.

  4. Hey Raine,

    That was funny and sweet and melancholy, all at once.

    You always get me babe, right here... ♥

  5. I think you are a great writer Raine. I will ask you why we aren't friends. Why the heck don't you come to visit me anymore? Get over there right now! : ) I was a single mother when Kaish was a baby until he was 7. Those were some of the best days of my life. Hard, but fun.

  6. Very sweet Raine, and touching. Well done.

  7. GREAT Job!
    I am going to follow your blog now

  8. How very Dr. Seuss of you. :) Nice job.


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