I bought some Pull-Ups. He doesn't seem interested in them at all, but they are here just in case.
He has been asking me more often to change his diaper. I get so excited when he does! Although, more than not he doesn't want his diaper changed. Slowly but surely.
I have found that
I talked to daycare about starting him out using the potty there. I think they have had minimal success. My mom told me that she knows a woman who took a whole week of vacation from work to potty train. She said it worked. I said that there was no way I was going to take a week off to potty train.
On a side note, I saw a couple walking down the street today. The woman was pushing a carriage and the man was carrying a potty! Ugg! I so don't want to do that! (Note to self: find new husband - fast!)
We are going at our own pace. We are still reading Once Upon A Potty and we are still enjoying it. I may never know what is so exciting about that book.
That is all from the potty front.
Carrying a potty around in public? gross!